I am an Assistant Professor in the
Electrical and Computer Engineering department and
The Design Lab at the
University of California, San Diego.
My research interests are in network economics, game theory, ethics and economics of AI, and reinforcement learning. I lead the MINDS lab, where we study decision making and learning in networks (network games and multi-agent reinforcement learning), fairness in AI (data biases and long-term impacts with human-in-the-loop), and economics of cyber security (incentive design and data analytics). Our research is generously supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Amazon, and Cisco.
Recent News
October 2024. Our paper
"The Double-Edged Sword of Behavioral Responses in Strategic Classification", led by Raman, has been accepted as a
spotlight talk at the
NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Behavioral Machine Learning. Congratulations, Raman!
August 2024. New conference papers: Sura's work on incentivizing improvements in strategic machine learning will appear in
CDC'24, and Raman's work on multi-hop network games will appear in
GameSec'24. Congratulations, Sura and Raman!
July 2024. We have received a
Chancellor’s Interdisciplinary Team Catalyst Award, together with
Alan J. Daly and his team (UCSD Department of Education Studies) to support our research on Catalyzing AI & ML for Equity, Education, and Knowledge Mobilization.
July 2024. New journal papers:
"Structured Network Games" has been accepted in the
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, and
"Interdependent Security Games in the Stackelberg Style" has been accepted in the
Journal of Cybersecurity.
June 2024. Our boardgame
Green Acres which communicates land management practices and environmental policy making through the lens of a collaborative multiplayer game, was showcased at the
Origins Game Fair.
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